Our Services
TKO Energy Services, LLC sells a full range of high-quality drilling fluid products and services. As an independent drilling fluids provider in the mid-continent region of the United States, we have extensive experience across Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Louisiana. We provide a targeted and integrated approach to each well plan.
Water-Based System.
Water-based mud systems can be customized to each project’s specifications. TKO offers everything from fundamental fluids to highly inhibitive systems, covering everything in between. TKO customizes specific projects, while always emphasizing cost effective solutions. We provide a variety of performance additives to combat the ever-changing environment inherent of drilling operations. Our meticulous nature allows us to be hyper-focused on the varying elements of a well site. TKO has both the experience and knowledge to efficiently determine the most effective formulation for every project.
Oil-Based System.
Oil-based mud systems augment the efficiency of a drilling operation in that the maintenance requirements are less strenuous. Oil-based mud systems help maximize performance because they are both versatile and expansive in their solutions to drilling requirements, through varying system options and additive selection. Our oil-based mud systems consist of oil, brine, lime, emulsifier, wetting agent, viscosifier, and a filtration control additive. We tailor every job to fit the demands of each well.
Lost Circulation Solutions.
The risk of lost circulation is present in most wells, some more prevalent than others and are usually accompanied by unplanned fluid losses. TKO offers the ability to adapt to any and all situations, keeping cost and safety at the forefront of all that we do.